
The RWU Public Humanities and Arts Collaborative (的Co-Lab) is sponsoring a four-part series on 反种族主义 community engagement in Spring 2024 featuring four of the editors for the recently released book Anti-Racist Community Engagement.

Each speaker will deliver a lecture or workshop for faculty and staff based on their areas of community engagement and 反种族主义 expertise 和ir scholarly areas of expertise. The titles and summaries, where available, for their talks and workshops are below. These events are funded with support from the National Endowment for the Humanities. 每位演讲者的酬金为1500美元.00.


From Service-Learning to Anti-Racist Community Engagement: Enhancing Partnerships, 教育学, 和政策

辛西娅·林奇辛西娅·林奇, 助理副教务长, 公民参与和学术战略支持, 塞勒姆州立大学

This workshop will focus on how faculty and practitioners can move beyond problematic traditional civic engagement models and work with stakeholders to co-design, 实现, and evaluate initiatives though Critically Engaged Civic Learning (CECL), 一个新的基于股权的框架. 另外, insights and strategies will be shared to help reform 和n operationalize promotion and tenure policies to better recognize and retain civically engaged faculty. 最后, these efforts will be woven together with a series of collaborative grants 和 creation of the New England Equity and Engagement Consortium (N3EC) to demonstrate how higher education institutions can advance their civically engaged and equity-based missions.

A Path to Anti-Racist Community Engagement and Civic Learning

奥尔多Garcia-Guevara奥尔多Garcia-Guevara, Professor of History, Worcester State University

Dr. Guevara will share his personal and professional origin story to 反种族主义 community engagement and civic learning, 从这个过程中吸取教训, 分享教学策略. Participants will be invited to share elements of their own academic journey. After an introduction to a few interconnected elements from the 反种族主义社区参与原则 和 Frameworks for Civic Learning, 参加者将探讨, 在小组中, 他们如何实施, 增加或修改自己的作品以反种族主义.


约瑟夫Krupczynski约瑟夫Krupczynski, 建筑学教授兼主任, 公民参与和服务学习办公室, 马萨诸塞大学阿默斯特分校
March 27 @ 6:00 pm - Presented with the Cumming School of Architecture Lecture Series

在最近出版的书中, 反种族主义社区参与:原则与实践, the authors examine how 反种族主义 community engagement can counteract racism's destructive legacy and impacts in the United States. 基于书中的关键原则, this presentation explores approaches and challenges associated with building 反种族主义 spatial practices in community-engaged architecture. 通过承认, 分析, and critiquing harmful historic and contemporary racialized spatial practices, these approaches can better support the creation of spaces and places that embrace freedom, 合作, 团结, 空间公正.

Carrying Anti-Racist Values: A Writing Workshop to Advance a Critical Common Good

克里斯蒂娜桑塔纳克里斯蒂娜桑塔纳, Associate Professor of English, Worcester State University

什么是大胆和勇敢 反种族主义 关系型工作看起来没有这个词?  For faculty and staff who hold 反种族主义 values but may be navigating tricky political climates, 工作环境, 和人际关系, 这个写作工作坊是一个实践探索的空间. Framed by the inclusivity of the well-embraced notion of the “common good,的写作提示 反种族主义社区参与原则Framework for Civic Learning through a Lens of Racial Equity 为更大的福祉培养共同的责任.